While waiting for a couple of days in Staniel Cay, we checked out all the hot spots. We started with Pig beach, which I didn’t like at all. So many people! So many hungry pigs! They all start running towards your boat as soon as you beach it to get all the carrots. We didn’t bring any, but there are so many people going there that carrots are floating all around you, so why bother. Then there are the really mean ones, the ones that bite people’s asses (for real!!!) if they don’t give them what they want. Never turn your back on a pig...
My personal favorite:
Thunderball grotto! At low tide, you can snorkel into a cave with tons of fishes at the bottom. We saw a lion fish, so the kids were able to know what not to approach. ๐
Sam liked hanging out at the Yatch Club, while the kids just wanted to pet the nurse sharks at the dock.

Once Sam’s parents arrived at Black Point, we were stocked to find an anchorage right infront of their rental place. Location was just perfect! All week, we used the dinghy to travel from our boat to their apartment.
It was so exciting to share our little piece of paradise with them! We went back to Staniel Cay for a day so that they could experience Pig beach and check out the Yatch Club. On another day, we went to look for iguanas, and tried to catch a mahi, without luck of course.
The rest of the time, we just relaxed on the island, walking around or sipping a beer under the gazebo. It felt great not to be running anywhere. We had some strong winds and thunderstorm at some point, so we had to stay anchored anyway.

They left on the 1st, and it was incredibly cool to have them with us! As I said when my mom and sister came to Marathon, there is nothing better than sharing your voyage with people you love. As a person who travelled by herself a lot, I know just way too well the feeling of wishing family and friends could see what I was looking at... The kids even slept over for 1-2 nights, and I think it was great for them too to share their journey with other people than us. ๐
Merci pour la visite Grand-maman Ginette et Grand-papa Denis!!
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