Our eventful return to US soil
At 2h30 am, we woke up on the 20th to start the engine and begin our 9 hrs crossing back to Florida. It was as calm as it gets, and when we got into the Gulf stream, we were going up to 9-9.5 knts/h, with the engine not even running at full speed!!! It was magical. Until we arrived in the inlet at West Palm Beach, where we started hearing a new noise coming from the engine. 😱 Noooooo!!!! We still had to clear customs, so we anchored at the first spot we found and turned everything off. Sam went to customs while I stayed on the boat with the kids, worrying. Finally, after looking at the engine properly, Sam found out that it was the cooling fluid pump that had a loose bearing and needed to be changed. No big deal in the end, but as we were supposed to meet a potential buyer up in Start Cove, timing was not ideal. We had to delay everything. Not cool... After ordering the part rush, Sam took some time alone with Rolianne to change it, and the engine is now running smoothly. Fiou...