Nassau and the beauty of the Exhumas...

After a good meal and a beer at the Green Parrot to celebrate, we went back to the boat, exhausted. No party night for me this year, that’s for sure! To top on my exhaustion, a squall passed by and our anchor dragged with the strong winds, so we had to re-anchor in the rain, at night. My favorite moment of all... 😓 So I didn’t like Nassau that much after all. But the sunset was pretty.

After provisioning for the Exhumas in the morning, filling up on fuel, water and food, we left after lunch for the Exhumas, heading to Allan’s Cay. It wasn’t that far, about 4h30 with the winds on our bow. When arriving close to Allan’s Cay, the crew was just so excited!
This place was just magnificent but a little crowded, so we kept our course to Highborne Cay. Which was just as beautiful. Still not used to the color of the water... 🤩

We spent some time exploring the island and its surrounding, with its private beaches and the snorkelling spots around. A barracuda decided to hang out under our boat, so we checked him out a couple of times.
We then moved to Shroud Cay, which so far has been my favorite. Just our anchor spot was awesome, with only sand at the bottom. Inside the Cays are many little dinghy routes where you can travel. We found out that it was easier done at high tide! 😂 Oh well, we still made it to the Atlantic side, where the waves were fun to play in. We didn’t see any turtles there, but in the little bay next to our boat. Pretty incredible place!!

At the moment, we are now anchored close to Staniel Cay, waiting for Sam's parents to arrive!! We are so excited!
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