Day 1

We are ready. We sailed from Key Largo to Pumpkin Key right before the sun goes down, and are now anchored close to the Key for protection. The wind is still strong from the East, at around 15 knts. Two other boats will be doing the crossing to the Bahamas. On the 31st, I wake up at 4h am, too excited to go back to bed. We all agreed to leave at first light. That happens to be around 7h, so I wait. Finally, 7h arrives so we start the engine and leave our anchorage. A bunch of dolphins are excited for us, jumping high in the air to wave us good bye. From Angelfish creek, we motor through the reef. The conditions are not ideal, with waves coming from the East. It rocks a lot, but we make it trough. After about 2 hours out there, our engine starts acting up!! Weird helicopter sound, not going over 2200 rpm. F***! We make the decision to turn around and sail back to Florida. What a disappointment!! We are not sure what went wrong... Once back to Angelfish creek, we anchor and check everything. Oil, diesel, impeller, water pump. When Sam dives to look underneath, he sees that the propeller had a lot of seaweed in it. 😕 That’s probably what stopped the engine from running properly. So now, we wait another night...
Day 2

We seem to be alone to go out today, even though the forecast looks better. We wake up at 5h am and make coffee. Everything has to start with coffee!! No dolphin this morning, so maybe that’s a good sign!! Leaving Angelfish creek, the sea is like a lake. Calm and beautiful. Way better than yesterday!! Everything happens for a reason!
We set up the sails and enjoy the 10-15 knts S winds with the engine running at low speed. This feels great!!!

After 8 hours at sea, the first glance of land is exciting. We start by seeing just shades of green at the horizon. When we get closer, and we finally see the different shades of blue, we are ecstatic!! It is just beautiful!!! Thank you life!
We docked at Blue Water Marina to clear customs and ended up spending the night here. Got a nice bull sharks show at the dock. :) Welcome to the Bahamas!!!!
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