South Georgia’s amazing wildlife...
In the afternoon of the 28th of December, we started our 2 1/2 days journey to South Georgia.
When looking at the pictures, you have to imagine the smell of thousands of penguins living together, the whistle of the chicks who want to be fed, the sound of fur seals fighting each other, or the one of elephant seals, just being lazy after the mating season. Every inch of the beach is occupied by a living thing. It's hard to believe that fur seals were once close to extinction!!
Salisbury Plain was memorable, where we walked by one the biggest king penguins colony in SG. The view you have when you get off the zodiac is just insane!
The next morning, we moved to a place called St-Andrews Bay, which holds the largest king penguins colony of SG. Another amazing place… It was full of elephant seals, some males fighting in the water. They are just HUGE!!
Our trip to South Georgia ended up abruptly, with the news that a passenger was in need of medical care, and that the ship was turning back to Stanley in the Falkland Islands. These things are meant to happen on trips like these! It turned out not too bad though, as the passenger got better, and we missed only one day in SG and one day in Antarctica.
I like to remind the kids that life is being good to us, that every moment is precious, and that we should always be amazed by every single thing we have the chance to see, by every penguins we have the opportunity to observe. I know it sounds cheesy, but I want them to realize that we shouldn’t be whining about little things. I'm pretty sure that not so many kids had the opportunity to travel to places like that. Most compagnies don’t even allow kids to come. Anyway, I feel blessed!
We really were blessed on that trip, it was simply amazing. So glad I got to meet you and your family.