Day trip to Charm City, Baltimore

Yesterday we took a ride to what they call Charm City. I used to fly there for work, so it was with a very different eye that I walked around the harbor with the kids.

Just finding a parking was a challenge. I finally found something close to the Harbor, but even walking 15 minutes in that heat was hard for all three of us. It was baking hot yesterday. So we had a quick picnic at West Shore park before the kids went to play in the water fontains. I was jealous and kinda sad to be too old to jump in myself.

Then we played in another unique park where the kids could play music on huge xylophones before going for the much much needed ice cream. Perfect day if you ask me, but Romain doesn’t want to go back to Baltimore because, well it’s way too hot there! 🤣

Oh and by the way, I think I managed to change the settings to allow anyone to comment on the posts. So let me know if it still doesn't work!


  1. Coll de vous voir profiter de la vie ainsi. Profirez en bien car on en profites nous aussi a travers tes posts 😍


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