
We made it!! First day of driving was way too long for what it was, mostly because there was a huge line to cross the boarder and just to make it worst, it was something like 95F in the car, no AC. Thank you Grand-maman Ginette for the toy fans!!! They saved all of our lives. Once on US soil, we had to go through "interrogation" because our story was kinda unusual I guess. 😉 Obviously they believed it because we made to the other side!!

Yesterday, the kids got to see the boat for the first time. That was exciting, even for us. We were super happy when Rolianne was launched in the water. AND when the engine started smoothly to get to our slip. 😁 We’re home!!!!

We spent the rest of the day sorting things out and finalizing the little modifications that were still to be done on the boat. Same thing for this morning. 

Fun fact: On both days, we had to drop everything we were doing to head to the beach, because it’s freaking hot down here!!! 


  1. Allo Catherine! Merci pour tes posts.. je vais te suivre dans ta voyage! Tu as une belle famille, profites bien de ce temps qui ne retournera jamais!

  2. Tu me manques déjà, je suis vraiment émue de lire tes posts! Enjoy mon amie!
    Je t'aime!


    1. Salut Isa! Entk je crois que c’est toi unknown. 😉 Mon blog est vraiment pas user friendly pour les comments, et je suis trop poche pour changer ça. Je m’ennui aussi! J’espère vraiment que vous allez venir nous visiter!! 😘

  3. Thank you Eve! I enjoy writting it and do it mostly for myself, as memories of the year of our lives! :)

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