
Showing posts from August, 2018

Day trip to Charm City, Baltimore

Yesterday we took a ride to what they call Charm City. I used to fly there for work, so it was with a very different eye that I walked around the harbor with the kids. Just finding a parking was a challenge. I finally found something close to the Harbor, but even walking 15 minutes in that heat was hard for all three of us. It was baking hot yesterday. So we had a quick picnic at West Shore park before the kids went to play in the water fontains. I was jealous and kinda sad to be too old to jump in myself. Then we played in another unique park where the kids could play music on huge xylophones before going for the much much needed ice cream. Perfect day if you ask me, but Romain doesn’t want to go back to Baltimore because, well it’s way too hot there! 🤣 Oh and by the way, I think I managed to change the settings to allow anyone to comment on the posts. So let me know if it still doesn't work!

Le premier post de Julianne...

Je t’aime Maya-Rose, et t’es fine Coralie. 😘 🦋 🦀 🐚 Melissa je m’ennui de toi et tu es fine. 🧚🏾‍♀️ 🤩

First night out for Rolianne!

Finally! We made it outside Casa Rio marina with Rolianne! It took a little while for us to get her ready, but yesterday we took her out of her slip for the first time. It was not totally gracious (we had a hard time passing by the two wooden poles defining our spot with the wind) but once out there, it was a lot of fun to be in the Bay! After a little ride, we anchored in a quiet part of Rhode river, had a pizza on the BBQ and spent the night. It was awesome and refreshing!!


I meant to write this post for a while, but never got the time to do so. We’ve been pretty busy since we got to Maryland. So here it is! On July 27th, Sam left Quebec for a 12-14 hours drive to work on Rolianne so that she would be ready for us later in August.  The first thing on his list was to have electricity, as Rolianne was on the hard back then, so he started by installing the batteries, solar panel and converter. The next big thi ng was to change the oven.  The one that was aboard was a 2 burner gas (CNG) stove, but as CNG is kinda hard to find and that it didn’t have an oven for me to bake stuff 😁, we decided to get a brand new one. Sam keeps on saying that my bread better be good, as the installation was not an easy thing. Especially when it’s over 90°F outside, and inside the boat. Just like an oven... Still a little bit of finishing to do, but we have a whole year ahead of us. After that came the kids bedroom. For some reason, the previous ow...

La vie sur l e bateau

On est au bateau.  On est allé pêcher ce matin. 😆😆  On va à  la plage à tous les jours. Il y avait des vagues.


We made it!! First day of driving was way too long for what it was, mostly because there was a huge line to cross the boarder and just to make it worst, it was something like 95F in the car, no AC. Thank you Grand-maman Ginette for the toy fans!!! They saved all of our lives.  Once on US soil, we had to go through "interrogation "  because our story was kinda unusual I guess. 😉 Obviously they believed it because we made to the other side!! Yesterday, the kids got to see the boat for the first time. That was exciting, even for us. We were super happy when Rolianne was launched in the water. AND when the engine started smoothly to get to our slip. 😁 We’re home!!!! We spent the rest of the day sorting things out and finalizing the little modifications that were still to be done on the boat. Same thing for this morning.  Fun fact: On both days, we  had to drop everything we were doing to head to the beach, because it’s freaking hot down here!!!...
On est rendu à l’hotel. 🐲✌️

On the road to Rolianne!!!

Well that's it! Today's the day. We spent the past few days cleaning the house and packing everything in the van. Now we're ready!! Almost. Never. Bye bye house, take care rabbit, hasta luego amigos!!

The end of an adventure...

Today was my last day at GenePOC. I know, I know... I should be stoked! But I have to admit that it was with mixed feelings that I left the building today. So I just wanted to say that I feel blessed to have worked with all these beautiful people, at GenePOC but also at all the different sites I had the chance to visit in the past two years. What an adventure it has been! Thanks again everyone for the good times, the intensity and the support in the not so smooth and easy times. «On va les avoir les anglais!» Now let's pack all this stuff in the basement and celebrate!