Windy days...

As I am writing these lines, we are having two days of 25-30 knts East winds. We are anchored at Black Point, so the bay is protecting us from the big waves. Still, I have to be honest, I am not a big fan of really windy days. I hear you judging me right now. 😅 You live on a sailboat Cat!!! It’s just that when the winds blow stronger than 20 knts, I feel like we are so exposed to the elements. The boat rocks one side and the other, moving at the end of its chain. When the wind hits the boat on its side, we can heel a couple of degrees. The anchor sometimes drags, too. Just like when we were anchored infront of Whale Cay and Little Whale Cay, waiting for the winds to calm down, where it dragged and brought us way too close to shallow waters, and we had to start the engine and move a little further. The charts were not exactly right, so we thought we had plenty of space to drag. Or when we were in Nassau, in the middle of a squall, and the anchor dragged, bringing us too ...